Sunday, September 18, 2011

they Snooze, you Lose: Chapter 1

Synopsis: Chapter One: Tweaking Presentations
          In chapter 1, Dr. Lynell Burmark writes about Tweaking Presentations, and after reading this chapter I thought to myself where was this book all throughout my college life. Throughout this chapter Dr. Burmark focuses on the little things one can do to help improve ones presentation to capture the audiences attention. Dr. Burmark focuses on three main categories: templates, color, and type.
           Dr. Burmarks first main point is the templates one uses on their presentations. Dr. Burmark quotes Nancy Duarte regarding backgrounds that, “(they) should never compete with content” (Burmark, 2011). To me this is correct, why would I want to confuse my audience with the background, when they should be paying attention to the information I'm presenting to them. Another great point I learned is to stay away from visuals that will take away from the information you are trying to express.
          Dr. Burmark second point is about the usage of color in presentations. Like the saying Color makes the world a better place, it’s also true for your presentations. Color in a presentation will overall help audience’s retention and comprehension during important meetings or conferences. I learned that color in a presentation couldn’t clash between your background and text. When creating a presentation its best to use a dark soothing color for your background and a warm color for your text. This combination helps because the audience will focus on the importance of the text than your background.
          Dr. Burmark last point is about the Type. Suffering through long boring presentations that are sentence after sentence is unnecessary. PowerPoint slides should be presented with the average of 40 words or less per slide. The type of font or typeface you use should allow adequate space between letters, avoiding collisions between letters. Dr. Burmark recommends using Georgia and Verdana typeface to allow and easy fast flow to read ones presentation.

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