Friday, September 23, 2011

they Snooze, you Lose: Chapter 3

Synopsis- Chapter 3: Celebrating Presenters
             In chapter 3 Dr. Burmark takes a look at three categories of presenters, the lecturer, the entertainer, and motivational speaker. As I was reading this chapter I kept reflecting on all the dull, boring presenters, and the exciting and entertaining presenters.
             Dr. Burmark then proposes a, what if situation; what if we can take the best strengths of all three presenters and create a fourth presenter, a super presenter, the fourth presenter would be called the educator. Dr. Burmark states it best “The educator empowers students to retain and transfer learning” (Burmark, 2011). Dr. Burmark is correct, it’s our duty as educators to present the information we are teaching our students so they could get motivated to learn. We need our audience to retain the new information, but not stop just there we also want them to transfer that new information and share what they learned, Dr. Burmark calls this strategy Teach It Forward.       
Another important point I found fascinating is that we as educators we should tap into the audiences Howard Garners multiple intelligences. As a presenter we should focus our presentation around the audience and their learning styles, which is very true. If I want the audience to Teach It Forward, I need to know what learning style works best for them to retain the information.
            After reading this chapter I learned that the audience is very important to our success as a presenter. I need to take the audiences learning styles to account when presenting this will help me keep the audience interested and actively engaged.
            This chapter was very informational regarding how one should present themselves in front of their audience. What makes me think the audience is going to Teach It Forward if I go up to the stage with a frown; the audience is going to feel disconnected from the presenter.  I also need to take to account of planning lesson plans with a smile on my face because if the teacher doesn’t enjoy the lesson or activity their planning, why should they believe the students are going to enjoy the lesson.  


Burmark, Lynell. (2011). they snooze you lose. the educator’s guide to successful presentation.  San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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