Chapter 9 Synopsis: Tapping Emotions
In chapter 9, Dr. Burmark explains how presenters can be affective just by tapping into the audiences’ emotions. In the beginning of the chapter Dr. Burmark states, “Emotions stick!” (157). Throughout the chapter Dr. Burmark explains how a presenter can tap into the audiences emotion through photos, words, and stories. Emotion doesn’t always have to positive to stick to ones mind, Dr. Burmark states, “any positive or negative emotion has sticking potential” (157). This is very true because I still remember the most tragic days in my life. Isa4rt seems like the event just happened yesterday, but its been more than 15 years hen I almost lost my brother to a dog attack. The emotions of that night still are stuck to my mind, and I will never forget that day.
Dr. Burmark mentions Seth Godin and he states “presentations are about the transfer of emotion” (159). When I first read this I never thought that just by presenting I would have the power to change a persons emotions just by my presentation. But after reading this chapter I was able to understand the importance an educator or presenter has over their audience, we can control how they feel, what information we want the audience to retain.
Dr. Burmark informs the readers that photos are a powerful source of emotion. We know that a picture is worth a thousand words, but those same pictures have a story and demonstrate emotion that can change a person from feeling positive or negative. Dr. Burmark introduces Mr. Lewis Hine whose photographs help change child labor laws in this country. Each of Mr. Hines photos were very heart breaking because of the background stories and the emotion that was presented by the subject that was being photograph. Mr. Hine was able to make convey the pain and emotion the subject of his photographs were feeling to his audience, he was able to make a difference by just taking a snap.
As an educator I found a statement made by Dr. Burmark very fascinating, she states, “whatever emotion we are feeling will reverberate throughout our classroom or presentation venue” (172). I found this fascinating, because I never thought that my emotions were able to spread to other people around me. So as an educator if I show emotion of anger to my class I going to lose them for the day, the students will probably shut down and stop paying attention because they are able to feel the negative vibe I’m giving off. After reading this chapter I’m working on providing a positive atmosphere through photos, words, and music to each of my students, so they can feel welcomed and give them hope to succeed in their future.
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